How to Build an Online Business from YouTube Without Creating Videos


In today's digital age, the opportunities for building a successful online business are endless. One such opportunity that has gained immense popularity is leveraging YouTube as a data source to create a product using the power of artificial intelligence (AI). While this concept may sound intricate at first, I'm here to break it down into simple, actionable steps that can lead you toward building a profitable online venture.

Understanding the Concept

The core idea here is to harness the vast amount of public data available on YouTube and combine it with the capabilities of AI to create a product or service for YouTubers. This innovative approach may seem unconventional, but I'll illustrate it with a practical example.

Step 1: Collecting Data

The first step in this journey is to compile a comprehensive list of successful YouTube videos. We define success using a straightforward formula: High views plus three times the channel's average views. Let's take a real-world example to clarify this.

Imagine a YouTube channel with an average view count of 10,000 for its last 10 videos. Now, if you come across a video on this channel that has garnered 50,000 views, it meets the criteria of a successful video. Your task is to identify and add such videos to your list. You can use tools like Notion or Google Sheets to create your dataset, including information such as video titles, descriptions, view counts, publish dates, and thumbnails.

What's even better is that you can automate this process using platforms like, specifically designed for discovering successful YouTube videos. This automation ensures you collect as much data as possible efficiently.

Step 2: Monetizing the Data

Now that you have a valuable dataset of successful YouTube videos, it's time to monetize it. There are various strategies you can employ, and I'll share a couple of them to get you started.

Strategy 1: Monthly Membership

One approach is to follow the example of "Creators Hook," a service that collects and sells successful data through a monthly recurring membership. Additionally, they monetize a newsletter, providing valuable insights to subscribers. You can replicate this model, but to stay competitive, consider exploring more advanced and dynamic options.

Strategy 2: Building Online Tools

A more advanced and innovative strategy is to create online tools based on your data. For instance, I've developed a YouTube title generator tool on my website. This tool connects with GPT-3's AI API and uses the successful video data to generate compelling video titles.

What sets this approach apart is that it doesn't merely generate titles; it utilizes real data to create titles that have proven to be successful. This gives your service a unique edge in a competitive market. By integrating this AI-driven tool into your offering, you provide a value proposition that's hard to match.

Function Chaining for Endless Possibilities

To understand the potential of this concept fully, it's essential to grasp the concept of function chaining in prompt engineering. This technique allows you to use prompts as functions, enabling you to build a wide range of tools and services. You can find a detailed guide on how to implement this method in the description along with the prompt I used to build the YouTube title generator tool.

Access to Free Support

As promised, I offer free support to help you on your journey. Visit my website's public forum, where you can ask questions and seek guidance. I'm here nearly every day to assist you in your online business endeavors.


In summary, building an online business from YouTube without creating videos is not only feasible but also a promising venture. By collecting and monetizing data from successful YouTube videos and combining it with AI, you can create innovative products and services that cater to the needs of YouTubers. The possibilities are endless, and with dedication and the right approach, you can pave your way to online success.


  1. Is it legal to collect data from YouTube for this purpose?
  2. Yes, as long as you adhere to YouTube's terms of service and data usage policies, collecting public data for analytical and business purposes is generally allowed.
  3. Do I need coding skills to build online tools like the YouTube title generator?
  4. While coding skills can be helpful, there are user-friendly platforms and tools available that allow you to create such tools without extensive coding knowledge.
  5. How can I monetize a newsletter with the collected data?
  6. You can provide valuable insights, trends, and recommendations to subscribers based on the data you've gathered, offering a subscription-based newsletter with premium content.
  7. Are there any specific AI tools or APIs you recommend for this venture?
  8. GPT-3 is a powerful AI API for generating content and titles based on data. However, you can explore other AI tools and APIs that suit your specific needs.
  9. What's the best way to promote and market the products or services created using this concept?
  10. Effective marketing strategies include social media promotion, content marketing, email marketing, and building partnerships within the YouTube community to reach your target audience.


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